Thursday, November 13, 2008

Strengthen your immune system

As we approach winter it is easy to get exposed to more virus' & bacteria. Homes and schools are closed up with little fresh air. We tend to get less exercise and the stress of life builds up as we rush here and there. When you first feel a cold or illness coming on it is very important to bring out the big guns! Building your immune system is imperative. Taking a bath in Lavender, Tea tree & Eucalyptus combination is a real boost. Use a combination of 10-12 drops depending on your tub size. I usually use 5 drops of lavender, 3 tea tree and finish up with the eucalyptus. Don't forget to put it in an emulsifier before putting it in the tub. Soak 15-30 minutes and finish up by massaging some anti virus oil essential oil, mixed in olive oil on your chest, lung area and the bottom of your feet. Mix some anti viral essential oil in a mister and spray in your home 4 or 5 times a day or use the diffuser to keep it from spreading. The most important thing is to eat well and get plenty of sleep so that you build your immune system. Deep breathing exercise are also very helpful. Breath deeply to the count of 6, hold for 12, and exhale 6. Doing 10 of these breathing sets 3 times a day will really help your endocrine system rid itself of toxins.
You can not mix aroma therapy with homeopathic remedies. The essential oils kill the pathogens that the homeopathic remedy is introducing in small amounts to encourage your immune system to fight. They will cancel the benefits of each other.

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