Monday, December 1, 2008

Soothe away those aches!

Long hours on your feet? Cold weather sending Arthr to your home to hang out? Well grab the birch and juniper, it will save the day.
Mix a great blend called sports fitness. It is a mixture of White birch, ( where we got aspirin from) Thyme and Juniper essential oils. Juniper is recommended by world famous aromatherapist, Danielle Ryman, for boils, abscesses, boils, arthritis, backache, chest infection, cystitis, headaches, pneumonia & sciatica. Birch is a natural pain killer. Individually these oils are great, but when mixed together they make a create a synergy. As you know synergies create a frequency higher than the sum total of both energies individually. . Just mix 15 drops of essential oil into 1 oz of a good quality carrier oil. Olive works great, but you will have to refrigerate it. Canola is a good carrier oil also. Mix only small amounts at a time. I never mix more than 2 or 3 oz's to make sure it always stays fresh and potent.
Sports Fitness is on sale this month. Email or call 435 884 9449 in your orders in by the 9th of Dec. Peppermint & Eucalyptus are also on sale. Email me for prices.

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